Performance Photos
The GASP interns have a little calling network set up now amongst themselves. When I arrive for a performance they contact each other about what recipe is being made, and when the food is going to be ready so they can swing by. College students away from home especially love home cooked meals. This lovely group of undergraduates from the Museum School, MassArt, and BU have been such a big help to us, and I’ve enjoyed working with, and getting to know each one over the dinner table. Thanks everyone!
I think of pancakes for some reason as a guilty pleasure. They are so easy to make, and so delicious, yet the only time I seem to eat them are on what has become the all too rare lazy Sunday morning--either at a restaurant, or at home, while reading the newspaper in bed, and sipping tea. So making them on this cold, rainy, hectic afternoon was warm and comforting. These hot little cakes fresh off of the grill smothered in buttery banana caramel syrup will make you want to forget your worries and your obligations. A visitor to the gallery on her lunch hour and I were so caught up in eating, and in our lively conversation, she almost forgot to go back to work! Maybe pancakes are magic? I believe…
Posted by leah at March 9, 2006 09:07 PM