February 04, 2006

Bittersweet Molten Chocolate Cakes with Coffee Ice Cream

Interview with Susie Reid

Performance Photos

I haven’t made ice cream in a long while and forgot about the necessity to re-freeze after the initial mixing, so it was a little slushy. But the rich, hot chocolate cakes fresh out of the oven, topped with cold coffee ice cream was pure pleasure. Today one of the other Artists in the show, and an intern of GASP who was a student of Nancy’s, sat at the table, and we discussed art and politics over tea and dessert. We discovered good friends and a shared cultural heritage in common. The three of us all felt our time together, and that amazing chocolate dessert, was restorative. Nancy expressed the desire have more art like this to remind folks to slow down, and be present in the moment.

It’s easy to forget sometimes that all of us have a lifetime lived of experiences stored up inside of us. And it takes making time and space to learn more about each other. I was thinking about our food interviews. Some of the folks who participated were my co-workers with whom I worked 3-4 times a week, 8 hours a day, for seven months. As they spoke we found out things about them I wouldn't probably have ever known had it not been for this work. The stories they shared with Halsey and I were treasured memories. A huge gift in exchange for a little bit of our time and attention.

Posted by leah at February 4, 2006 08:51 PM

this one sounds way too good to pass up! what happens if I eat it all?

Posted by: Bob at January 31, 2006 01:13 PM

Plates licked clean make the artist very happy. But you'll have to share at least one bite :) See you Saturday!

Posted by: leah at February 2, 2006 08:16 PM
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