May 07, 2006

Harvard Square Mayfair - Cambridge, MA

WHEN: Sunday, May 7th, 12-6PM
WHERE: on the street in Harvard Square (specific location undetermined, but you'll find me!)

WHAT: I participated in this event last year and though it rained for most of it, I did get some good voices and learned a few things like to use waterproof markers on the booth and to not delay epoxying it's edges any more. MayFair is a fun event to check out; they close down the streets of Harvard Square to cars and there are tons of vendors and performances on the street all over the place.



Number of voices recorded: 33
Reading sheets used: 15, 19
Weather: perfectly sunny but cool for May; just what you want when you have to hang out outside all day
Level of success: started off VERY slow, but then picked up to the normal frenzy
Records broken: this isn't really a broken record, but this event was the first that I was forced to erase older recordings on my hard disk recorder because it filled up. This means that I have over 20 gigabytes of recordings. Clearly there is something wrong with me...
Photos: Check them out

I always forget that these events take some warming up. For the first hour or so, there wasn't much interest, but as soon as things got going, it was non-stop. I was set-up right downwind from Cafe of India which made me hungry all day and taught me a bit about how to bake naan.

Thanks, as always, to my loyal helpers and supporters. This is not an individual undertaking.

As usual, click below to access some representative audio clips:

this was one take (no overdubs!)

the best kind of vacation

cat fight!

isolation (kind of)

good answer!

a lot different

nasty *and* wicked!!

floor lighting

spirits should be free

yes, it *is* a time machine!

only some


Posted by halsey at 04:40 PM | Comments (0)