January 08, 2006

1st Anniversary!

Today is the day I held my first public Bring Your Own Voice event. It has been a long and eventful year, but don't worry, I won't recount it all for you here. I'll just note this fact, give you a few key stats, and hope that the second year of BYOV is fruitful and fun as well.

Thank you everyone who has participated in any form. Your support is invaluable.

# of events - 10
# of voices recorded - 233
# of songs written - 8 (completed)
# of albums released - 1
degree of fame attained - still working on that...

the booth started out looking like this:


and now looks more like this:


I think it's no worse for the wear...

Posted by halsey at January 8, 2006 04:50 PM
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