September 20, 2005
le tour de BYOV
I am in the process of applying for a grant to fund a BYOV tour. I am really excited to try to make this happen as it would be a great way to get more interesting fodder for my music as well as spread the word about what I do. Oh yeah, and it would be fun to drive around the country setting up the booth in random places and getting people from all over the place to contribute their voices.
Let's hope for funding as cash always helps make things happen.
September 17, 2005
Art Interactive - Cambridge, MA
WHEN: Saturday, September 17th, 5-7PM
WHERE: Art Interactive - 130 Bishop Allen Drive, Central Square, Cambridge, MA
WHAT: I will be participating in the kick-off event for the first ever ArtsCentral event. The event will take place at Art Interactive, a very cool gallery space that focuses on, you guessed it, interactive art. Hopefully the weather will behave and I will set the booth up in a courtyard outside the gallery space where various performances and other interactive excitement will be happening.
The majority of the ArtsCentral event will be happening the following day throughout Central Square. Apparently a whole boat load of Central Square based artists, performers, purveyors etc will be coming out of the woodwork and onto the streets to show you what they've got. Should be interesting.
The summer has been a period of catching up and acclimating and now it's time to get back out and have events in the fall. I need more voices, so come check it out!!
Number of voices recorded: 12
Reading sheets used: 12, 9
Weather: threats of Ophelia
Level of success: for a short event, I got lots of voices and exposure
Records broken: most significant slope
Photos: Check them out
It had been a while since the booth had been setup, so I was slightly nervous that I would forget some vital part or that something would have broken etc etc, but everything mechanically worked fine. The event got off to somewhat of a late start because the organizers changed the venue slightly due to Hurricane Ophelia passing to our southeast. We didn't really get any rain, but it wasn't a bad idea to be safe about it. The booth doesn't like getting wet.
The new location turned out to be a parking garage. Yes, this sounds much worse than it actually was. It was adjacent to the little courtyard that was initially intended to host the event and was one of those garages where there is a building that starts at the third story, hoisted up on stilts. So it was open-air and easily accessible, which is more than can be said for most parking garages. And this is much more than I should say about this one.
Big thanks to Leah whose assistance with blanket washing, booth moving, participant encouraging, and most importantly moral support giving was invaluable.
As usual, click below to access some representative audio clips:
I have seen them before
intense canoeing
smile! happy! outside!
hazy and peculiar
the good whisperer
fetal position
taste the fire
protected from the claws
everything changes