January 24, 2005
reasons why
So the update for today is, unfortunately, not much. But the reasons for this are good ones. The main reason is that I am ferociously working on my aevidence album called 'words and voices'. I am happy to report that the mastering was completed last weekend and the PMCD will be sent to the manufacturer this week. I am making progress on the cd packaging design which will, in a stroke of happenstance and luck, include some visuals that everyone who attended the Bernie Toale BYOV event will be familiar with.
So all is good here and progress is being made. However, this focus hasn't given me the time to spend diving into all of the no doubt fantastic voice recordings I made on January 8th. To those of you who participated: do not fear! I am very excited to begin writing with these results and will be doing so after the release of the album. Please feel free to contact me in the meantime with questions about this or anything else.
January 08, 2005
Bernard Toale Gallery - Boston, MA
Bernard Toale Gallery
450 Harrison Street (at Thayer St. in the South End)
Boston, MA
1 - 5PM
opening weekend for the January show
Bernie Toale has been kind enough to let me set up the voice booth in his gallery space in conjunction with the opening of his January show. I will be collecting voices from 1 or so until the gallery closes around 5.
Please join me and the kind people at this fine gallery for the official Bring Your Own Voice pilot event. See you there!
Number of voices recorded: 18
Reading sheets used: 1, 2
Weather: totally nasty
Level of success: high
Photos: Go Here
This event turned out very nicely despite the unfortunate conditions outside. The space was beautiful and the Bring Your Own Voice booth fit in nicely. Tanja Alexia Hollander's photographs complemented the ideas behind the music as well as provided some beautiful images to spend time with. I had good success getting people to participate and nothing dramatic went wrong.
Overall, this was a great way to begin this project. Thank you to all who supported and participated.